Read It Later (App)

Read It Later Interface
Currently, with my fascination in traveling (though I haven't traveled lately), I became addicted to Femalenetwork, a forum where all the chic and on-the-go women and girls meet and talk about everything, from shopping to travel, practically everything under the sun.

However, due to my busy schedule as a freelancer, (Yes, I'm busy! :D) I never get to do backreading. Back reading is the key to success in forums. You don't want to wind up asking the same questions. Other people will tell you to back read. Sometimes, I need to know something. For example, tips in arranging a travel itinerary for Hong Kong. The Hong Kong thread is very long. I can't stay online most of the time as I have work to do. And I don't want to be caught reading lurking around forums while at work.

I discovered a great way to deal with this. I learned about an app which lets you save online readings, such as an online tutorial regarding web design etc. The name of the app is Read It Later. It's a useful app that lets you save whatever web page you like for later reading. And since I have an iPod touch, this became an instant hit to me.

You just need to install it on your iPod or iPhone. Everytime you go online, you can just tap the Bookmarks icon and tap Read It Later. It will automatically save the page for later use.

If you have a lot to save, then you may want to go to the Read It Later app and refresh so it can load the pages you saved. This may take a while but not too long.

Once you're done with your reading, you can just click the check icon and it automatically puts the page on the Read Archive.

This is a really useful app which you may want to add to your productivity tools.

Download it from the Itunes Store for FREE.